Supporters of Grow Memphis know the appeal of fresh, locally grown food, and those who attended the Garden Party benefit on Oct. 26 seemed to appreciate the creative recipes crafted by participating vendors and chefs.
“I can’t say enough about how wonderful it was to work with Stone Soup,” said Grow Memphis Executive Director Chris Peterson, speaking of the Cooper Young café and market that opened their doors to host the event.
“Their manager worked all day and then helped us with the Garden Party,” Peterson said. “He went home and got up to serve breakfast there the next morning.” |
“We are so pleased to work with Grow Memphis for their fundraiser this evening,” he said. “We are totally on board with the things they are doing to promote growing fresh food in Memphis.”
Grow Memphis was founded by the Mid-South Peace and Justice Center in 2007 and was modeled after community garden projects that had sprung up in Orange Mound as a way of producing healthy food in the vacant lots that abound in blighted neighborhoods.